Morriah was determined to get me out of bed this morning at 5:30. She thought it was time for breakfast. She is a year now and it is recommended that she should be off the bottle. Although Ijust remembered when I took her into the doctor for her year old visit he didn't mention that she should be transition off of the bottle. I guess it will be her way, when she is ready.
RyAnn and Issac love the camera. I got all of them to look at the Camera this time. They have been so patient as we have put them in the car almost everyday to go somewhere. Same was the case this day, minutes later.
I went to a baby wearing enrichment meeting on Febuary 24th. I always find it fun to go learn something new. I wanted to find an easier way to carry Morriah around and have my hands free for housework and while in the store. I took the kids to the store and carried morriah some in the store with the carrier. I need to get some practice at home it started gettting uncomfortable.
I can't believe that Issac is 3 years old. He talks so well. I am happy that I have a boy. He is growing to be alot like his Dad. Issac loves cars, guns, and BALLS. Everywhere we go you can usually find him with a ball in one or both hands.